Friday, February 29, 2008

Rattlesnake Ranch

Here I am just east of Tombstone (The Town Too Tough To Die) about 15 miles in the desert off a dirt road leading to nearby mining ghost towns, Gleeson and Courtland in southeastern Arizona.
Rattlesnake Ranch is the creation of John & Sandy who quit their office jobs in Illinois and created the ranch, starting in 1979. They traded the work-a-day world for the laid back and somewhat lazy lifestyle of rattlesnake hunters. They craft all sorts of items using every part of the rattlesnakes, selling them and gem stones to tourists visiting their ranch.
Over the years as they scoured the desert for rattlesnakes, they collected over 5,000 primitive and western collectibles. Some were donated by local ranchers cleaning out their barns.
Here's a good alternative use of the bed pan. Just don't sit down on it!!!
John and Sandy are friendly, happy persons living a solitary and different lifestyle.

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